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Lessons & clinics

  • We offer a wide variety of lessons and instructional clinics with our Pros so you can level up your game! Whether it's wanting to work on specific shots or techniques  or you're just learning the game for the first time - we have something for everyone! Members receive discounts on ALL lessons and clinics! 

  • To register for Lessons and Clinics in our facility you must first sign up on the CourtReserve portal - if you are playing as a guest, please select the free VISITOR membership. After signing up, don't forget to download the CourtReserve app for a better booking experience!

Private Lessons

​If there are certain aspects of your game that need attention, or you are trying to fine tune a specific shot, our Pros will structure a lesson to best suit you and your needs! 

Pro + 3

​Play games with one of our Pros! A great way to learn more strategy and specific techniques while playing with a Pro and getting in game instruction!

Pickleball 102

This clinic is for those who have basic pickleball skills and/or graduated from the Pickleball 101 clinic. Throughout this clinic you will focus on specific techniques and strategies that will push your game to the next level!

Match Play with Critique

Bring your own foursome within your skill level and have our Pro critique your game and point out what you (and your partner) will need to work on. Great preparation for your next tournament!  

Semi-Private Lessons

​Grab a friend and save some money! This private lesson is for two people and one of our Pros.

Pickleball 101

If you are just getting started in the world of pickleball, this clinic is your go-to way to learn! Our Pros will teach you the rules and the correct way to hit a ball. You will also learn basic strategies to get you playing midway through the session. Sign up with a friend for added fun!

Rating Session

30 minute 1 on 1 session with our head Pro Trevar Sizemore to determine your exact rating!

Discover the pros who are ready to guide you every step of the way
Secure your spot today
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